
Looking for a speaker for your event?
Our professional staff presents many topics in-person or virtually,
from keynote addresses to hosting hands-on workshops.

Suggested honorarium for speaking engagements or workshops:

In-person keynote or lecture: $500 + associated travel costs
Virtual lecture or panel discussion: $225
In-person hands-on workshop at your site (up to 2.5 hours; up to 25 attendees): $700+ associated travel costs
We welcome barter and Pay What You’re Able.


Our Farm for Your Event

Venue features:
Orchard, native gardens, perennial flowers, wildland playground
1.5 acres in regenerative vegetable production
11.5 acres of rolling pastureland
A small, happy flock of chickens
Fire pit and ring
Outdoor pizza oven
Shade trees and a swing
Inside kitchen includes stove, oven, microwave and walk-in cooler
6,000 square foot community greenhouse
2 on-site outdoor, clean portapotties

Fees for booking the farm for an event

Flat reservation fee of $200 for three hours + $100 per hour after three hours
For example, if your event is 2 hours with 2 hours of set up and tear down, the suggested fee is $350.

If you require additional items for your event that we can help you arrange such as tables, chairs, and tents,
please indicate those needs on the interest form below.

We welcome barter and Pay What You’re Able.

Simply complete the form below and we will be in touch soon.