Buckwheat seeded alongside the greenhouse in August 2018. Buckwheat sweetens the soil, feeds pollinators, provides beauty, and adds organic matter to the soil.
Sustainability Action Plan
In 2020, the Health Forward Foundation of Greater Kansas City funded a project proposed by our Eco Team. The team was ready to take a wide-angle, holistic view of the farm to assess our current situation, suggest ideas for improvement, and offer ideas to others to lessen the impact of their actions on the climate and put it all together into a Sustainability Action Plan.
Eco Team exists in order to grow a sustainable and resilient farm, school, and community that can best adapt to the climate crisis by rebuilding our soil health and restoring the land’s natural biodiversity, by embracing green energy and building technologies, and in so doing strengthen our community connections to create a healthier environment for the generations to come. Members are Dave Bennett (Committee Chair), Brent Ragsdale, David Dods, Cherie Smith, Lee Gum, Loretta Craig (Board Member), Brad Stowe, Karan Gupta (Board Chair), Marcus Flores (Board Member), Lydia Nebel (staff), and Alicia Ellingsworth (staff).
Comments and conversations are welcome. Reach out to Alicia at alicia@kcfarmschool.org